
Monday, September 16, 2013

Physics Conservation Of Momentum

Conclusion In this prove, the relationship between the initial focal ratio and the final velocity of explosions, completely in plastic clashs, and perfectly elastic was tested to determine whether or not the collision created was to disclose if there was any momentum, or capability lost in the system. The entropy doesnt fully survive this hypothesis, nonetheless, looking at the average deepens of momentum or nothing of each typecast we had -0.054 kgm/s for elastic, -0.049(kgm/s) for inelastic, and -0.0432 Joules for explosion. This means that a lissome loss in kinetic energy and momentum had occurred. This dismiss loss was approximately likely due to rubbing and the item that our specific run was at a minor contestation in the tyrannical siteion, causing some work, and impulse, which would grade for the changes in our data. Using the data above we can conclude that it is mathematical to calculate the suppositional solutions for a perfectly elastic collision , to a point, but we however cant determine on the dot what the time of the collision was, and thus cant account for the impulse, and work, so much(prenominal) things will have to be estimated.
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Looking at the change in momentum, we can conclude that the momentum is mostly conserve in a perfectly elastic collision, if friction and another(prenominal) slight errors (measurement, in our specific case the angled track) argon taken into account. Evaluation A limitation in this experiment that dealt with some(prenominal) the apparatus and the procedure was the exterior forces that acted upon the carts, specifically frictio n and the pitch of the track. These two fac! tors had slight effects on the data appealingness process, shown in the change of momentum above. We can fix the slant of the track problem by using a direct track for future experimenting. The effects of friction can be slightly reduced by keeping the track sportsmanlike and using a lubricant , but it is mostly an away force that cant be controlled unless in a vacuum. Another limitation was the sensors, whose range was very wide...If you want to bear a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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